💥 ZkSync 2 0 Testnet Airdrop – After Regenesis 💥 ZkSync Updates and Step-by-Step Airdrop Tutorial


ZkSync 2.0 regenesis was completed the February 8th. This regenesis introduces breaking changes, including updates for
1. Account abstraction/paymaster
2. SDKs
3. L1 contracts
The regenesis for us basically reset the blockchain so we lose previous transactions. This does not mean that ZKSync did not take a screenshot before for a possible future airdrop, we do not know that. But anyways, we should try again our test steps now in ZkSync 2.0 You can be sure that your previous interactions are deleted if you search your wallet on the explorer here: https://goerli.explorer.zksync.io/ The regenesis of zkSync 2.0 testnet is now complete, new libraries/dependencies are available, and the documentation has been updated. If you experience issues with transactions post-regenesis (pending transactions, etc.), reset your Metamask wallet.


ZkSync Airdrop - After Regenesis
Step by Step

1) Follow the Twitter

2) Follow them on Discord

3) Add Goerli Ethereum Test Network on your Metamask

4) Get gETH tokens from Faucet

5) Go to the Bridge of ZkSync and Bridge gETH from Goerli to ZkSync Testnet

6) In the portal go to Balances, you will see your ETH there.
Try to use the Transfer option and the Receive option.
Basically, send to another wallet and receive from another wallet.
(we can do this easily in our Discord on CCS)

7) Request faucet tokens from the portal

8) Check the list of apps, and try to interact with the Zksync testnet apps.

9) You also can bridge from the Orbiter testnet from Goerli to ZkSync 2.0

10) Complete ZkSync Crew3

11) Try out the ZkSync Mainnet v1. check my video on that

12) Pay some Gitcoin Grants using ZkSync



Check my Subscriptions to my Discord and my Airdrop Register Application:


Also check my other Airdrop Tutorials of Arbitrum airdrop, Optimism airdrop, Zksync airdrop, Sui airdrop, ditto finance airdrop, starknet airdrop, zeta chain airdrop, aptos airdrop, and more. AshSwap Airdrop Free Confirmed. NFT3 Airdrop Identity Web3 .

Check our Scroll Pre Alpha Testnet Airdrop Step by Step here: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/nft3-airdrop-identity-web3/

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