✅ Cedro Finance Airdrop FREE – Step by Step 🪂 Cedro Airdrop Tutorial

Today we cover the Omnichain Lending and Borrowing Protocol Cedro Finance. They confirmed the Incentive Testnet already. So the Cedro Airdrop Free is near. We have until the end of December to participate and get the tokens when they launch the protocol. Cedro Finance Airdrop – Step by Step


Cedro Airdrop – Step by Step

1) Complete the quests on https://cedrofinance.crew3.xyz/invite/Ng1j_X52crlG8JAtRyP8M
– Ten users, selected randomly, who complete the testing quest will be rewarded $20 each.
– Ten users with the most valuable feedback will be rewarded $25 each.
– This competition will be open from Nov 28, 2022, to Dec 26, 2022.

2) Testing App. Go to https://app.cedro.finance and perform all the transaction types i.e. Deposit, Borrow, Repay, Withdraw.

3) Then, take a screenshot of the page and post it at: https://cedrofinance.crew3.xyz/questboard/9f8da5c4-caee-468a-b5db-06686247b21d

4) Feedback Quest. For This quest, please use our protocol and share your feedback on the feedbacks channel in our Discord server. https://discord.gg/5pCvS5Q5

NOTE: Official document of the testnet here: https://medium.com/@cedrolabs/introducing-cedro-finance-testnet-1-0-aed0627d531d

Check here How to use the APP: https://docs.cedro.finance/how-to-use/deposit


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Check the Certy Network Airdrop: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/certy-network-airdrop-cesocial-update/

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