😎 How To Manage Multiple Wallets for Airdrops 🪂 My Personal Method – MUST SEE!!

I am going to share How to Use Multiple Wallets for Airdrops. What is my personal method? How I protect my wallets to be blacklisted or consider Sybil attack. And all the tips you need when you apply for an airdrop using multiple wallets.

So according to the image.

How To Manage Multiple Wallets for Airdrops

How To Manage Multiple Wallets for Airdrops

Best scenario=> 3 devices * 5 browsers * 3 wallets = 45 unique wallets.

– Use always VPN if you can afford it, there are free VPNs too.
– Depending on the project you may not use Metamask so you will have less wallets. Or some browsers does not support the extensions.


Browser Wallet Number Arbitrum Airdrop
Metamask xxxxxxx Yes
Trust xxxxxxx Yes
Coinbase xxxxxxx Yes
Metamask xxxxxxx Yes
Trust xxxxxxx
Coinbase xxxxxxx Yes
Metamask xxxxxxx Yes
Trust xxxxxxx Yes
Coinbase xxxxxxx
Metamask xxxxxxx
Trust xxxxxxx Yes
Coinbase xxxxxxx