💎 LINEA Airdrop Free – $725 Million Funding – Powered by Consensys 💰 Owners of Metamask FREE AIRDROP

Today, we cover a big Airdrop. LINEA Airdrop Free Powered by Consensys. The LINEA Airdrop is a ZkEVM project Powered by Consensys, the creators of Metamask, Infra, and more Technology Products in the Crypto Space.

Linea is a developer ready, zk rollup powered by @Consensys the team behind Metamask 🦊 After a successful private test, you can now use this network publicly. Linea is designed to be approachable and highly composable, offering flexibility and scalability to developers who do not need to be an expert in zero-knowledge technology to build on a zkEVM. – Consensys have raised $725M for this ZkEVM.



LINEA by Consensys
Step by Step

1) Follow Twitter

2) Follow Discord

3) Add LINEA testnet Network to Metamask

4) Add and get gETH faucet Tokens.

5) Bridge funds from Goerli to Linea
Bridge could take between 10 and 20 minutes.

6) Transfer funds between accounts :
You can make transfers between 2 of your own address, if needed, post your address in the comments
and perform some transfers with others. You just have to use the 'SEND' button on Metamask

7) Perform SWAP on Uniswap
- Go to https://swap.goerli.linea.build/#/swap
- Swap some ETH to crWETH
- Then swap some ETH or crWETH to crUSDC
(you may need to stop your Antivirus or firewall to use this unsecure website)

8) Add liquidity :
- Stay on Uniswap and go to the POOL section
- Add liquidity in ETHcrUSDC or crWETH/crUSDC pairm (aount doesn't matter)
- Withdraw a little amount from the pool

9) Interact with #NFTs :
- Connect your wallet.
- Choose a random collection
- Disperse the collection with a little amount of $ETH

10) Mint this commemorative NFT using Optimism

11) Give feedback on the testing:



Check my Subscriptions to my Discord and my Airdrop Register Application:


Also check my other Airdrop Tutorials of Arbitrum airdrop, Optimism airdrop, Zksync airdrop, Sui airdrop, ditto finance airdrop, starknet airdrop, zeta chain airdrop, aptos airdrop, and more. AshSwap Airdrop Free Confirmed. NFT3 Airdrop Identity Web3 .

Check our Scroll Pre Alpha Testnet Airdrop Step by Step here: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/vela-exchange-beta-airdrop/

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