💥 MONAD Airdrop 💥 What Can You Do Now 🧐

Today, we cover everything you can start doing to position yourself for the future Monad Airdrop. The project is in devnet but we can start interacting on the community and satellite projects of the monad ecosystem. Monad Airdrop PreTestnet Actions.


Monad is one of the hyped projects of the year: https://www.monad.xyz/
It’s a high-performance Ethereum-compatible L1.
Monad advances the efficient frontier in the tradeoff between decentralization and scalability.
Monad introduces optimizations in four major areas, resulting in a blockchain with a throughput of 10,000 transactions per second (tps):

Important Points:
– $224 M raised (I can see more coming before launch in Q3): https://cryptorank.io/ico/monad#funding-rounds
One of the big funds is from “Paradigm” which has invested in a ton of big crypto projects. Including “Farcaster” – “Blast” – “Uniswap” – “Starknet” – etc.
– Currently in the Devnet stage, inaccessible to regular users. But we can engage with ecosystem projects and potentially claim multiple airdrops.


Monad (PreTestnet)
Published, June 14th. These are early steps for the possible Monad Airdrop.

1) The 1st more important things is to join their Discord.
Right now there are 320k already.
ZkSync blocked the join when they reached 500k.
I would join the Discord and start poisting and participating, this could bring you "roles" that could be valuable
in the future for a possible Airdrop.
Roles: https://cal1nads.notion.site/69f4c975d8dc4d25bed1e21570ddf816?v=db846cc43d9c4dacb40d22fae5e62627&p=014ff1be2f3d4b2fb7c36916c241d1b5&pm=s
Click the Green button get your Role "comment mob": https://discord.com/channels/1036357772826120242/1116330582511722537

2) Here you have the Community Activities Calendar.
Maybe participating could also impact a future airdrop.

3) Here is their Ecosystem Partners.
So try to engage with them, for example look for projects related to Monad that do not have a token or are running Airdrops. For example "Wormhole Airdrop 2"

4) Wormhole is one of the connected projects, and many rumors say that participation on wormhole could give you
a Monad Airdrop in the future.
So use wormhole and most important STAKE your $W tokens now.

5) On June 11 Monad announced to be used by Phantom on Testnet.
So keep using your phantom wallet and interact with it.

6) Follow Monad Whisper. It is connected to Monad more unofficially.
Many things posted here are related to partners and connections to Monad progress.

7) Poply is the 1st NFT Marketplace being build in Monad, so keep an eye on it.
And when you can interact buying, selling nfts, etc.

8) Keep an eye Soon on the only Game on Monad "Breath of Estova".
Probably when Monad launches their testnet this game and other projects will launch their testnets.

9) At the moment this video is published.
There is no Testnet, no Official Zealy, and no Official Galxe Campaigns. Be careful of scams.


Check my Subscriptions to my Discord and my Airdrop Register Application:


Remember we have a 15% Discount on Proxies using our code “CCS15” in Proxy Seller:

Also check my other Airdrop Tutorials of Arbitrum airdrop, Optimism airdrop, Zksync airdrop, Sui airdrop, ditto finance airdrop, starknet airdrop, zeta chain airdrop, aptos airdrop, and more. AshSwap Airdrop Free Confirmed. NFT3 Airdrop Identity Web3. Berachain Airdrop Recap and News. Airdrop Alpha News June. Monad Airdrop PreTestnet Actions.
Immutable zkEVM Airdrop could be one of the big Airdrops of 2024. Like ZkSync, Wormhole and LayerZero. Free Airdrop 1 Month Left. BRC20 Airdrop News June.

Check our ZkSync Airdrop Step by Step here: https://www.cryptocurrencystate.net/airdrop/zksync-airdrop-full-guide/

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