🎮 Play This Game From a $1 Billion Company 💰 Get An Airdrop 🚀


Today, we cover an Important Gaming Airdrop created by Animoca Brands a $1 billion company in a Partner with Chess.com the Biggest online Chess platform in the World. They launched an airdrop and Season 1 recently ended so we can prepare for Season 2. Play Game Get An Airdrop.

Community-driven, free-to-play chess game with new strategic layers powered by magical spells. We believe in embracing the core values of chess while re-imagining its appeal for the modern age. We intend to introduce new features, such as spell mechanics, with powerful visuals to add new strategic layers and make the game more immersive. This approach will provide a refreshing chess experience and invite a more diverse demographic to the game.

Important Points:
– This Project is Powered directly By Animoca Brands: https://cryptorank.io/ico/animoca-brands#funding-rounds 
– Also it is Powered by Chess.com, the biggest worldwide online Chess website with multi-influence worldwide for all chess players.
– The Team is Public.
– 200k in Twitter but only 32k in Discord.
– Very Low competition for these gaming Airdrops.
– Season 1 ended but we will have Season 2 for sure.



1) Go to: https://anichess.com/mini-game

2) Do the tutorials.

3) Then you can play the Daily Puzzles and the Bonuses. That will give you points to move to the Leaderboard.

4) Complete the Missions too.

5) You can get the “Riddle of Chaos” from OpenSea. https://x.com/AnichessGame/status/1792525977005744595

6) Info about the Season 1: https://medium.com/@Anichess/season-1-and-leaderboard-of-spell-chess-puzzles-8934afcb70df

7) The points of Season 1 will be transformed into the $C token that is near to be launched and announced: https://discord.com/channels/998496432019476490/998496432019476493/1246807158142664785




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