⚠️ Scroll Airdrop Free 🧐 How To Deploy a Contract Step by Step – #airdrop #scroll


Today, we cover the Scroll Alpha Testnet Airdrop very quickly and focus on How To Deploy a Contract on the Scroll Testnet to be ahead of all the Airdorp Hunters on the Scroll Airdrop. Scroll Airdrop Alpha Testnet


Scroll Alpha Testnet
How to Deploy a Contract

1) Check if you can apply to the Scroll Pre-Alpha Testnet.

2) Add Goerli Ethereum Network and get Faucet Tokens.

3) Go to the Scroll website, click on Join Alpha Testnet

4) Bridge Faucet gETH to Scroll Testnet.

5) Do some swaps here on Izumi finance using Scroll Testnet.
Also go to pools, enter liquidity and Farm if you can.

6) Do some swaps here in the Scroll Uniswap. Also go to pools, enter liquidity.

7) - Go to: https://nfts2me.com/app/
- Connect your wallet in the top right corner
- Be sure to be on the Scroll Testnet
- Click on "Editions"

8) - Add a picture as Artwork
- Fill in a Project Name
- Fill in a Project Description
- Choose a Token Symbol
- Select "Create Collection
- Fill in Minting Fee: 0.1 ETH (> 0.01 if you don't have enough!)
- Edition Size: 10
- Scroll down and hit "Deploy to Scroll Testnet"

9) - Click on "Project Dashboard".
- Click In the left menu, go to: Mint Settings
- Change to Public the Mint

10) For the final part, let's mint an NFT from our collection.
- Go to "Overview" in the left menu
- Now click on "Collection Minting Page"
- There mint the NFT paying the price and Gas fee



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